FEMA: A Guide to Improving School Natural Hazard Safety
FEMA P-1000
This Guide provides up-to-date, authoritative information and guidance that schools can use to develop a comprehensive strategy for addressing natural hazards. It is intended to be used by administrators, facilities managers, emergency managers, emergency planning committees, and teachers and staff at K through 12 schools. It can also be valuable for state officials, district administrators, school boards, teacher union leaders, and others that play a role in providing safe and disaster-resistant schools for all. Parents, caregivers, and students can also use this Guide to learn about ways to advocate for safe schools in their communities.
FEMA P-1000, Safer, Stronger, Smarter: A Guide to Improving School Natural Hazard Safety
Resource Tool:
Title: FEMA: A Guide to Improving School Natural Hazard Safety
Type: Guide
Created By: FEMA P-1000
Date: 06/2017
Click on the link to access this tool.